Meet Hadouken-ing: The Internet Meme that Strikes Like Lighting

Pictures of Japanese schoolgirls doing the ‘hadouken’ are making their way round the internet, leading some to speculate that this could be the new popular meme since the Harlem Shake.

Sound the alarm, the Internet has a new meme that’s about to take off. Early there was planking, milking and baguetting. Then came Tebowing, and today it’s all about hadouken-ing. The Japanese photo mania is the hottest meme to hit the web since the Harlem Shake.

Remember the popular video game in the ’90s – Street Fighter?! Based on an attack move from the game, ‘hadouken-ing’ basically consists of one person striking either a pushing pose or punching the ground while others seemingly fly away around them, reports The Huff Post.

Hadouken, sometimes spelled hadoken, literally means “wave motion finger” in Japanese. For the Internet movement, it has obtain the other forms. Some people smash the ground to create a shock wave, others spreading out their arms to send their energy in two different directions.

The basic rule to hadouken is that one person must release his or her incredible energy, while other people must react to that power, and a third party must snap a picture to grab the moment. The trick to taking the photo is timing, a skill not needed for previous memes like planking or Tebowing, articles The NY Daily News.

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