Rare Medical Condition. Man Born with Two MANHOOD!!

WELL, this is a very unusual case. We met this man that has a very rare medical condition, the man was born with two penises and was invited for an Question and Answer session, with spectacularly outspoken answers.

The super-thread has created about 10000 questions for the man, and HE still managed to answer many of them with jokes, easy and more detail than we’re entirely comfortable with.We named The man as “DoubleDickDude”, He has an extremely unusual condition called Diphallia. 

Luckily the man has two fully functional penises. Believe it or not He urinates through both of them, and both are functional during sex. Incidentally, DoubleDickDude is bisexual and is currently in a committed relationship with both a man and a woman. He has “permission to only share it with our Interviewer”. We’ve choose out a selection of questions and answers. 

1. What was it like growing up with this kind of condition, and going through puberty?From the start did you know you were different, and how did that affect you?

It feels the same I guess, pretty much the same with any other guy in puberty. I Just had two C**ks instead of one. I never knew it from an early age. But when i stated growing up and learned to watch adult movies realize i was different but it was not a big deal. My Mom said “You just have one extra” and that was it.

2. How many people in your life know that you have two D**ks?

First is my  family obviously,  Second are my close friends. They don’t react much about it  actually. It’s not like it sprouted out of my pubes last month. It’s always been there so it’s like … not really a big deal.

3. Have you tried using them at same time and two different woman?

That is an interesting question. I wish I could do that but, NO! I Never done it before, maybe in the near future in fact I'm still young. 

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