What do you thinks of Waterproof iPhone?

As we all know Apple has been far behind when it comes on making a waterproof smartphone compared to what Samsung and Sony have done in the past.  Apple is now working on making a waterproof iPhone, but far different  in the way any other smartphone manufacturer has done before. 

Apple company said “Rather than make the casing waterproof, Apple’s clearly describes a plan of waterproofing internal components by integrating a hydrophobic coating with the electromagnetic interference shields used to protect hypersensitive electronics,”. 

This would be a better Idea than waterproof casings, which can adjust the design of your phone.  Waterproof iPhone it is something that some Apple fans have said they would love to see in the near future. But in the mean time there are several third-party cases you can buy to make your iPhone waterproof, as well as a crazy $30 spray that will do the same thing. 

However, none of these case would be a alternate for an actual waterproof iPhone that you could dunk underwater without anything else added. Hopefully Apple will continue to create better innovations.

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